Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Kicking Booty & Taking Names

Hey all...

Right now, I feel absolutely amazing.  I'm not losing weight crazy fast, I'm not on some new kick, I am just BACK.ON.TRACK.  And it couldn't feel more wonderful.

I almost feel like I've come home.  Like for the past 6 months I've been outside myself.  And now I'm back to my old self.  My disciplined, dedicated self.  I love that part of me.

I've had to rearrange my fitness routine as last week my favorite studio to Zumba and Boot Camp at closed suddenly.  I used to attend Zumba for an hour, then an hour of Boot Camp right after it.  I did that twice a week, then ran on other days, though honestly my legs were pretty worn out the day after doing the double workout.  That's 4 hard workouts a week, gone.  Yikes!

Instead of getting really worked up about it, I decided to rework my workout schedule.  As you can imagine, I have had to do this MANY times in the last almost 3 years.  Armed with my refreshed sense of commitment, I began working out my plan.

I was going to start half-marathon training.  I've been pretty excited about it.  Then I started shopping for my first race and realized, um, I missed racing season.  LOL! I figured in Florida there was no such thing!  jokes on me!

So instead, I've set a summer goal of working my distance up to 8-10 miles.  Then I can start my half training in late summer and be ready for a fall race.

That means for now I'm going to focus on working my distance up gradually over the next 12 weeks.

I am also meeting some friends for our own Bootleg Boot Camp a few days a week.  This afternoon, I arrived early, so I just ran some laps until they got there.  Yesterday I ran 2 miles, then did Boot Camp last night though I think boot camp will switch to Tues/Thurs.  Tomorrow I'm going to run 5k in the morning, then attend an Ultimate Cardio class in the evening.  This class is like the zumba I was attending but under a different name and more intense than typical zumba - all the same people I used to work out with, just a new instructor!  I'll probably make that my Wednesday thing.

So here is what a new workout week will look like:

Sunday: Zumba in the afternoon with my wee one (I have the old playlist so I can do it myself!)
Monday: Run 3-4 miles in the morning, lift weights in the afternoon.
Tuesday: Run laps (1-2 miles), then 1 hour of boot camp in the afternoon.
Wednesday: Run 3-4 miles, then 1 hour Zumba in the afternoon.
Thursday: Run intervals in the morning, lift weights in the afternoon.
Friday:  REST!
Saturday: Long Run day 5-6 miles (this number will increase slightly over the next few months)

Will probably pick up walks with friends on top of it all as well.

Yep, its tiring when I look at it.  But I really have to step up my game to attack this fat and finish this race.  I'm feeling strong right now.  My body is sore, but in a good way.  I slept 9.5 hours last night.  I have eaten nothing but pure, good fuel for food.  Fruit tastes amazing again.  Water is a requirement and I am dying of thirst without it.  My body feels like it is working like it should be.  Honestly, this is the best I have felt in a REALLY long time.

Make time, not excuses

That's what I plan to do.  Make time.  No excuses.  I know how to do this. 

And so, I will do it.

Who's with me?



Precious 3 said...

I am with you! Even if I can't go longer miles, I will run, I will work out, I will eat right. I will keep on moving! ~Jen N

ClaraB said...

GO Jen! :) It's all about personal bests.