Monday, October 31, 2011

Day 1 of Possible Broken Foot Saga

Hey all, so Day 1 went ok.  I did get up early and rode my exercise bike for a half hour.  I turned up the intensity/resistance to 7 so it was harder than normal (I keep it at a 4 most of the time).  Lots of sweat so that is a good sign.

Started off well with eating..had a few minor slips here and there but all in all pretty good.

Breakfast: Honey Nut Cheerios with Almond Milk
Snack: Banana
Lunch:  Half bbq chicken salad and cup of chicken noodle soup from Panera with wheat roll
Snack: 2 pumpkin muffins (made with just pumpkin and cake mix - they were good!) and 6 Candy Corn Pumpkins. 
Dinner: Grilled chicken salad

Yes.  I gave in on the pumpkins.  But really, 6 pumpkins is nowhere near as bad as it could have been...

Am I rationalizing?  Maybe.  I promised you I would blog the truth, so here it is.  Good, bad, and in-between.  :) 

One VERY positive decision I made today - I packaged up the rest of the candy corn and gave it to someone upstairs.

I have an appointment tomorrow morning with an ortho doc/podiatrist.  Hoping he sends me right away for the MRI so I can get that done quickly and know before the week is out what the prognosis is.  I learned tonight that this particular doctor is big on casts.  That will NOT be fun especially given I am traveling all week next week.  But at worst, I think I'll end up with an air boot.  We'll see.

Will let you know how tomorrow goes!  Got another date with the exercise bike in the morning - scintillating!  Yeah, a little sarcasm never hurt anyone, right?

It's all good.



Mandy said...

Hello, I'm visiting from your post on Shed and Share Wednesdays. You are amazing. I so so badly want to lost weight but I get so discouraged when it doesn't work. I don't understand the calorie thing and how do you exercise when it's winter? I have a biggest loser dvd that I work-out to but it's called max cardio for only 30 minutes. I'm 265lbs. Anyway I'm following your blog now congrats on your weight loss!

ClaraB said...

Hey Mandy! So glad you found my blog. :) I love the BL DVDs. Even though they are only 30 mins long they are such a great workout! Cardio Max is actually my favorite. :) I started at 285 so I completely understand where you are at! At the beginning, I just walked. Then I started the videos and then eventually running. Do what you can! And read back on my blog - I have alot of good info about my journey that was happening "real time." Best of luck to you Mandy!